Frozen winter

I did a dance dedicated to one of my beautiful older students. We messaged yesterday and talked about how beautiful it is when the sun shines and its sparkles reflect in the snow. «Colours and light. The nature is breathing again. The trees are shaking off some of the burden of the snow and is encouraged to straighten up. Maybe we should try as well?» she told me. A beautiful, beautiful image. «A very good idea,» I told her. «And before we know it, spring is here again, and the world will once again blossom and grow.» I truly believe this. Soon. Some day. Right now the world is still frozen. It is below -10 degrees and everything stands still. The country is almost shot down, and we still have a way to go. But the sun gives hope. The sun is staying up for a little longer every day. We are moving towards a brighter season. I can feel it. Hope sprouts from a frozen time and I will sprout with it. Holding on to hope, reaching towards the sky, leaning towards a tree, and moving softly, even when it is so cold I can barely feel my fingers.
Watch the dance here: